Educational and Entertainment Park Bojnice

Educational – amusement park is focused on the target group of families and young people and offers lot of activities and fun and about 50 attractions that will be joined by sensations and inspiration, exploration, and possibilities to educate by playing and will present cultural and historical challenges originating from Slovakia and neighbouring countries. To its visitors and public as well is visit abled pre-entrance zone offering rest and fun.


  • the first phase of the amusement zone is spread on 14,6 hectars of which about 5 hectars can be used for year-round activities
  • 20 million people living within a 4-hour drive radius of the park
  • annual attendance is expected about 550 thousand visitors
  • more than 50 rides and attractions are projected
  • Educational and Entertainment Park has ambition to be one of the main attractions located in the famous tourism destination and will offer lot of possibilities for fun, relax and accommodation
  • the amusement zone is inspired by Slovak myths and legends and history of regional and European traditional crafts and culture that will provide the visitors with a unique experience
Educational and Entertainment Park Bojnice - presentation

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